Friday, September 16, 2011

five-sense Friday

Today, I've been...

hearing: rain on the windows, upon waking and in the early afternoon, and then hail; the groan and hiss of a kettle on the electric burner; radio announcers warning of cooler days and nights

smelling: Josh's soapy clean smell; the very satisfying browning of waffles made with cinnamon-and-nutmeg spiced granola; the peculiar and familiar aroma of ramen noodles; a long-ago campfire not quite washed out of J's sweatshirt

seeing: clouds, then sun, then clouds again; piles of chapters with comments from which I must extract and revise writing samples; strange numbers and letters and colors and road signs in the DMV eye test; a new license photo, five years older

tasting: those waffles, with real maple syrup and steaming coffee; that ramen, with carrots and peas; green rooibos tea

feeling: the damp chill, and thick socks on my feet, and Josh's sweatshirt on my arms; a tongue burned by enthusiasm for lunch; a warming tea mug between my hands

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