Friday, August 10, 2012

five-sense Friday

Today is our last day of a four-day stint at the family house in Montana. I've been...

seeing: haze blurring the mountains in every direction; fuchsia sunsets from the haze; Em's moving truck filling up; old boards and holes, then fresh plywood, and now tarpaper, and let us hope shingles at some point

hearing: hammers and drills and staple guns and feet overhead; Jed the German Shorthair's toenails clicking on the floor; the fish tank's constant brook-like murmur; a few nights ago in our tent by the creek, what I thought was a skunk making a strange keening but what was actually probably a fawn looking for its mama

smelling: said mystery animal; coffee in the mornings; rain on gravel-road dust

tasting: sis-in-law's delicious dinner; Hutterite carrots; Flathead Lake cherries; fresh eggs from the chicken coop

feeling: a not very heavy kitty on my lap as I type, flicking her tail all around and tickling my legs, struggling at some points to paws the keys; hopeful that I can be of any use at all; excited for some more travels in the coming days

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