Friday, September 7, 2012

five-sense Friday

Today I've been...

seeing: fresh new students; the pile of syllabi tidy on the corner of my desk; lots of new shoes and scarves in honor of the new term; my reading list still expanding

hearing: students in the hall between classes; the building's hums and shifts; knocks on my door and well-wishing colleagues; in just a little while: the sound of my own voice at the front of a classroom after a two-year hiatus!

smelling: various coffeepots in various rooms; the chilly fresh morning air; my own apricot shampoo; paper and ink and paint

tasting: hidden-peanut-butter-cup oatmeal, black tea, green tea, apples and pistachios

feeling: the wonderful weight of two quilts and a down comforter pressing me into warm sleep when the alarm went off this morning; the demands of the pair of heels I contemplated wearing this morning and then kicked off for flats; flutters and delight at the thought of meeting my clas in just a little while...

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